La Red Recomienda

Un.habitants | To make room for us

  • Subgénero: Multidisciplinar
  • Fecha de Estreno: 30 June 2017
  • Datos de contacto

  • Compañía/Artista: Caterina Moroni
  • Email:
  • Teléfono: +39 3498490969
  • Distribuidor/a: Caterina Moroni
  • Email:
  • Teléfono: +39 3498490969
  • Web
  • Datos técnicos

    • Autoría: Caterina Moroni
    • Dirección: Caterina Moroni
    • Intérpretes: Performer: Caterina Moroni and local assistants/performers Voices: Aïcha El Beloui, Iris Keller, Caterina Moroni, Alessandra Serra, Sophie Unwin, Susana Madeira
    • Traducción: current available languages English, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch
    • Adaptación: Caterina Moroni
    • Escenografía: Caterina Moroni
    • Vestuario: Caterina Moroni
    • Música: Claudio Raggi
    • Sonido: Claudio Raggi
    • Duración: 00:50


    “Un.habitants | To make room for us” is a physical and sensory journey in a cemetery.
    It raises some questions about how the idea of death shapes our response to life, providing the basis for the personal conduct codes, as well as for the broader ethical systems. The work is articulated as a path in which visuals, sensory and sounds are intertwined and in constant dialogue to create an intimate space where the real can both alternate and fuse with the imaginary. Un.habitants is meant to be an invitation to the audience to open their perceptual spaces, and create their own reality in a frontier territory between the inner vision and outward vision. It is a call to the viewer to be inside the things, to consider the space and the taboo of death from another point of view.


    Video realized during the public presentation at cemetery of Baggio, suburb of Milan, 15th and 16th of July, 2017.
